Social workers across the board are required to participate in continuing professional development (CPD) activities. Social Work England recommends recording at least 4 examples a year to keep your knowledge relevant and your performance at its best. Our experts have shared some CPD suggestions for those working in assessment below.
Ideas for CPD
Not only is attending a workshop an effective way to boost your knowledge, but also an ideal time to meet new fellow people in your field. Refining your skills in such an interactive setting can help you retain the information longer and gives you the opportunity to ask any questions where there may be gaps in your knowledge.
2.Ted talks
We know social workers are busy people and therefore may not have time to attend events. Ted talks are ready to be consumed at your leisure and at no cost, making them the perfect CPD material to help you improve your practice.
Learn on the move! Podcasts are another sure-fire way to get your CPD training in, with minimal effort required. Remember to note down what you learned and how you plan to apply it in the workplace.
What better way to enhance your skills than to watch and learn? Seeing your role from an outside perspective can help you pick up on things you may have never noticed before and perhaps reframe your understanding of ‘best practice’. Don’t be afraid to ask questions where you’re uncertain or want to know more. Hopefully you’ll come away with new skills and actionable insights.
Reflecting on articles can improve your capacity to respond to challenging situations. Ask yourself how the topic fits in with your patients/professional setting and how the learnings might influence future job performance.
Remember to record your CPD activities and learnings online so that you can stay up-to-date. You must log a minimum of 2 CPD examples before midnight 30th November each year if you wish to renew your membership with Social Work England.
If you have any questions, get in touch with our team of dedicated experts at