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Let’s talk mental health: daily tips and how to support your colleagues

875,000 workers suffered from work-related stress, depression and anxiety in 2022/23!

As 'workplace mental health' is the theme of #WorldMentalHealthDay this year, we're chatting about coping mechanisms and supporting your colleagues in today's blog post.

Daily tips to look after your mental health:

  • Spend less time online: Try to avoid doom-scrolling and instead spend time with family and friends. Getting stuck into a good book before bed is also a lot healthier for your brain than TikTok and will help you fall asleep faster. 

  • Fill up your social calendar: Keep yourself busy and schedule time with loved ones. This doesn’t have to be expensive - even a walk in the park and a catch-up can help boost your mood. It’s also good to have people to talk to/vent to if you’re feeling down. 

  • Look after yourself: Set some time aside just for you and do something that helps you unwind; whether that’s meditation, exercise or watching your favourite TV show. 

  • Speak to someone: This could be a friend, family member, or colleague. By sharing your feelings you will feel a lot lighter and a lot less alone.

How can I support my colleagues?

While looking after yourself should be your main priority, it’s also important to check in with your colleagues. This might look like:

  • Asking them for a coffee: Take your colleague for a coffee on your break or see if they’re free after work for a catch-up. Even if they don’t seem down, you never know what might be going on in their life - plus, it’s always nice to have someone to talk to. 

  • Actively listening: There is power in actually letting someone speak without interruption or judgment. Active listening means fully engaging yourself in the conversation rather (that means no zoning out mid-sentence!). Try this next time you are speaking to a colleague and really hear what they have to say and offer solutions if appropriate. 

  • Helping with caseload: If you notice someone you work with is struggling with a heavy caseload, ask if there is anything you can help with (only if you have the capacity, of course). You never know how much a small gesture might mean to someone. 

We hope you found this blog useful. If you are struggling with your mental health you can speak to a Samaritan for free on 116 123 or get in touch with your GP. 

In the market for a new role? Here at Imperium Solutions, we offer opportunities across the health and social care sector. Get in touch with our experienced consultants today on 0208 929 4000 and we’ll help you find the perfect role. 


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